full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mathieu Lehanneur: Science-inspired design

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So I worked with white noise. dB is blialsacy — dB is the name of the product, basically a white nsioe diffuser. This is white noise. The white noise is the sum of all feeiqnrecus that are audible by the human being, brought to the same itenstniy. And this noise is like a "shhhhhhhhhhhhh," like that. And this noise is the most neutral. It is the perfect sound for our ears and our brain. So when you hear this sound you feel like a kind of shelter, psrvereed from noise pollution. And when you hear the white noise, your biarn is immediately focused on it. And do not be disturbed any more by the other aggressive snuod. It seems to be magic. But it is just physiology. It's just in your brain. And in mine, I hope.

Open Cloze

So I worked with white noise. dB is _________ — dB is the name of the product, basically a white _____ diffuser. This is white noise. The white noise is the sum of all ___________ that are audible by the human being, brought to the same _________. And this noise is like a "shhhhhhhhhhhhh," like that. And this noise is the most neutral. It is the perfect sound for our ears and our brain. So when you hear this sound you feel like a kind of shelter, _________ from noise pollution. And when you hear the white noise, your _____ is immediately focused on it. And do not be disturbed any more by the other aggressive _____. It seems to be magic. But it is just physiology. It's just in your brain. And in mine, I hope.


  1. brain
  2. noise
  3. frequencies
  4. basically
  5. intensity
  6. sound
  7. preserved

Original Text

So I worked with white noise. dB is basically — dB is the name of the product, basically a white noise diffuser. This is white noise. The white noise is the sum of all frequencies that are audible by the human being, brought to the same intensity. And this noise is like a "shhhhhhhhhhhhh," like that. And this noise is the most neutral. It is the perfect sound for our ears and our brain. So when you hear this sound you feel like a kind of shelter, preserved from noise pollution. And when you hear the white noise, your brain is immediately focused on it. And do not be disturbed any more by the other aggressive sound. It seems to be magic. But it is just physiology. It's just in your brain. And in mine, I hope.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
white noise 6
invisible reality 2
noise pollution 2
aggressive sound 2
smart object 2
fiber opticals 2
guinea pig 2
asthma treatment 2
living object 2
exhibition design 2
indoor air 2
local food 2
dirty water 2
aromatic plants 2

Important Words

  1. aggressive
  2. audible
  3. basically
  4. brain
  5. brought
  6. db
  7. diffuser
  8. disturbed
  9. ears
  10. feel
  11. focused
  12. frequencies
  13. hear
  14. hope
  15. human
  16. immediately
  17. intensity
  18. kind
  19. magic
  20. neutral
  21. noise
  22. perfect
  23. physiology
  24. pollution
  25. preserved
  26. product
  27. shelter
  28. sound
  29. sum
  30. white
  31. worked